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Legal / mentions légales

 The Workshop Cloud Manager, including DSFD2014 Website and registration platform is developed, hosted and edited by ERUDICIO SARL

     French RCS : Toulouse B 485 045 983
     30 chemin Vigneaux
     "Les Vigneaux"
     31700 MONDONVILLE

 Director of publication :Dr. Stéphane Dellacherie
 Text content : DSFD-PARIS
 Web design credits: M. Franck ANDRAL (© ERUDICIO SARL)
 DSFD - PARIS Logo credits: M. Franck ANDRAL (© ERUDICIO SARL), François DUBOIS
 Pictures credits :
© Paris Tourist Office - Henri Garat / Marc Bertrand / Jocelyne Genri / Daniel Thierry / Jacques Lebar / Jacques Lebar / David Lefranc
© Pôle communication de l'ENS

Interested by this web kit to online manage a scientific workshop ?

 customized public website, width easy CMS to edit public information
 customized online registration platform, with abstracts submission, edition & validation, room booking management, secured online Credit Card payment and billing subcontracting, CSV exports...

Please click here to obtain more information or contact Franck ANDRAL, ERUDICIO SARL: email